Friday, 31 July 2009

Quick Friday post,
I'm so excited that I have been receiving comments you are all truly wonderful. This blogging lark is truly addictive. Can anyone tell me how to add the followers gadget to my sidebar, it doesnt seem to want to work for me. (not that I'm assuming I'll get any followers but you never know) Busy weekend ahead,I've got some ideas brewing and of course my choir performance on Sunday (fingers crossed no rain). Oh and I'd better fit in some housework somewhere (boo......).

Thursday, 30 July 2009

I want to tell you a little story about the Robin Redbreast. A short while after my father passed away I started to get visits from the Robin. It became so frequent that we joked it must be grandad but then the visits became more and more unusual we would see him every where (and I mean everywhere) we went. The children would ring me with regular reports of seeing him .I decided that it was a message from my dad letting us know that he wasnt far away and it brought us all some comfort. It makes me sad and happy at the same time when I see him. My mother passed away recently and since then we have hardly seen him but the first week after she had gone I had two Robins in the apple tree.I smiled and knew that they were together and strangely I havent really seen them since.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


This is a comforter that I made for my daughter, its for when she is feeling sad or down,on the back is a lavender filled pouch to help relaxation. I made both of my daughters one of these and I hope they will always treasure them.These small quilts are about as much as I can handle at the moment until I improve my quilting skills. I keep threatening to take a class but I never quite get round to it, one day maybe.

World Picnic

Choir practice last night for the World Picnic on Sunday 2nd August
in Milton Keynes.
It should be a great day celebrating music, dance and the
cultures of the world. The choir are doing 2 sets with a live band
so it should be very exciting. Pray for fine weather,there is
such a lot of work from a lot of different people going into this day
it would be shame for the weather to spoil it.
Come along if you are in the area and enjoy a great day,
oh and bring a picnic.
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Monday, 27 July 2009


A very successful day at the car boot on Sunday. I found a lovely little sewing basket
with a pin cushion on the top, some gorgeous duck buttons and a wooden santa badge, I'm sure Ill find something to put that on at christmas.
I was amazed to find a little picture of Port Isaac in Cornwall where I have just been on holiday, if you click on the picture you can see the School House where we stayed. I also
found a lovely wooden bracelet which I was going to split up to use in my necklaces but it's
so cute I might just leave it as it is. Last but not least a little hand made rabbit which was bought for 50p, I just had to give her a home for that. I think the lady on the stall was a crafter as she admired the flower on my bag that I had made.
All in all a good haul. Although my other halfs reaction was "not another basket",men they just don't understand do they.
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Friday, 24 July 2009

This is something else I like to make, I love beads and have recently begun making these pretty necklaces.
I also love felt, its so forgiving and easy to work with.
As you can see I'm a bit all over the place with the medium I want to work with but I love them all
so I'll just keep flitting from one to another for now.
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This is my first attempt at applique, this has a little bit of everything, patchwork, applique and
embroidery. I tied the top of the cushion with pink ribbons. I love this and I get very protective when anyone
sits on the chair (he he he )
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This is what I'm doing at the moment,I love stitcheries and I'm hoping
when I get my sewing room back (daughter back home temporarily)
I'm going to include them in a quilt.

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I Thought I would show you my very first attempt at making a lap quilt.
Although it has a million things wrong with it I was very pleased with myself.
I am a beginner and could do with taking a class or three but I'm learning,especially
to be more patient.
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Tuesday, 21 July 2009

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This is my first attempt at blogging, I'm trying to get to grips with the layout so please bear
with me. I'm posting some photos of our recent hols to Cornwall hope you enjoy them.