completely ignore them... Why can I not be patient grrrr.......
So I saw these wonderful journal covers, yes I thought I can do that.... mmmmmm
Now don't get me wrong I am fairly happy with my finished least I am Karen happy.This means I am always chuffed when I manage to finish anything and I am most definitely not a perfectionist I frequently tell myself that my work has character, yes I like that it has character....
So here's what happened...
1. ignore the pattern.. you don't have time to read that Karen
2. Measure your journal without a tape measure.. what on earth would you need a tape measure for?
3. Cut cut cut mmmm yes that looks about right.
4. Stitch stitch stitch oh not quite right what have I done, ok add a border...
5. Oh bother... its slightly too small oh blimey I've got a headache coming on.
6. Must finish tonight everything depends on it it must be finished tonight.....
7. Add bits here and there to hide all the sins, breathe a sigh of relief..
that's better its got character now.
Now the thing that I find frustrating about myself is that if I just took a little bit of time I know I could do much better...sounds like a bad school report..could do better !!!!
Lets take a look at the finished items shall we..NOOOOOO don't look too closely
remember the mantra say after me CHARACTER.....
Now I am always printing off poems,sayings, sentiments etc and I end up with bits of paper everywhere the little book on the front is to store these until I get round to putting them in the journal.
I have started the first pages, dedicated to my three children of course. My two girls both in their twenties now and my baby who is 17.
This journal although only just begun has been claimed by one of my daughters so when I leave this mortal coil
(not for quite some time I hope) this journal will be full of my thoughts,feelings
hopes and dreams to pass on to them. Looks like I'd better get on and make another two !!!!!